Hosted by Academy of Fine Arts Rome. Application deadline: Sep 1st, 2021
Time frame: 4th – 15th of October 2021
Language: English
Curated by: Sergio Sarra
Workshop led by: Lorenzo Bruni, Paolo Canevari, Federico Fusi, Beatrice Peria, Sergio Sarra
Contact person: Angelica Speroni;, Marianna Panayioutoudis
ECTS: 3 credit points
Number of students: 4 students per academy
Location: 4-10 Rome, Accademia di Belle Arti, via Ripetta 122, fourth floor 11-15 Procida island, (Naples)
Application deadline: 1/9/2021 to the student’s home university
Short description*:
The workshop will take place in two parts, first will be developed in Rome in the laboratories of the fourth floor of the Academy and the second on the Procida island. Each one of the teachers will be propose a different theme, a reason of reflection and inspiration for a work to be develope later.
The workshop will be an opportunity for exploring multiple connections between drawing, environments, memory and literature and for showing participant’s personal vocabulary.
*Please note: A detailed description will follow in September.