Andrea Szilák, doctoral student/WP2-HUFA and Ágnes Keszegh WP5-HUFA spent four days in Rome as part of the Eu4art Staff mobility. The main purpose of the trip was to visit the Academia di Bella Arti (Rome) and to interview two professors of the university, Alessandra Porfidia and Riccardo Ajossa, for the forthcoming study on educational methodology.
The aim of the interview was to learn about the personal and pedagogical practice and teaching methodology of the professors. They also wanted to know about the Eu4art Alliance, the role of international presence in education, how they integrate foreign students, and what programmes and events their own students are involved in to showcase the international scene.
A selection of the interviews will be included in the forthcoming pedagogical publication.
Short mobility programmes for teachers and academic staff enabled more than 71 staff to travel to sister universities. In most cases, the aim was to get to know each other’s pedagogical structures and technical equipment. Another important point of the trips was to get an insight into the cultural and social set-up of the sister universities.