The final chord of the EU4ART project took place in the impressive premises of the Uránia National Film Theatre in October. 6. Teachers, students and staff from the four universities gave detailed presentations on the work and tasks of the WP groups and the possible future of the project and its experiences.
Moderator: Patrick Tayler
10:00 Opening speeches
István Erős (HUFA)
Kristin Marek (HfBK Dresden)
Tiziana D’Acchille (ABARoma)
Kristaps Zarinš (LMA Riga)
10:30 WP leaders’ summary presentations
WP1, Ferenc Józsa (HUFA)
WP2, László Lelkes, Bianka Dobó (HUFA)
WP3, Christiane Oertel, József Mélyi (HfBK Dresden)
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 WP leaders’ summary presentations
WP4, Tiziana D’Acchille (ABARoma)
WP5, Janis Gailitis (LMA Riga)
14:00 Students’ and professors’ presentations on their mobility experiences
Patrizio Volpini – student (ABARoma)
Virginia Lorenzetti – student (ABARoma)
Gunta Lante – student (LMA Riga)
Andris Vitolins – professor (LMA Riga)
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Students’ and professors’ presentations on their mobility experiences
Anna Lorenzana – student (HfBK Dresden)
Botond Polgár – lecturer (HUFA)
Dominika Drótos – student (HUFA)
16:00 Closing of the conference