EU4ART Short Term Graphic Workshop “Handmade Paper” at HfBK Dresden


From February 28 to March 11, students from all academies had the opportunity to participate in Short Term Workshop at the HfBK Dresden. Dresden marked the starting point for the second exchange in this form. Afterwards the exchange continued to the Latvian Academy in Riga (28.03. – 08.04.22), via the Hungarian Academy of Arts in Budapest (11. – 22.04.22) to the Roman Academy, which will hold its workshops from 06. to 17. June in Rome.

In the workshop “Handmade Paper” with the artist Fides Linien, basic knowledge on the subject of manual papermaking, material science and tool science were taught, among other things. The preparation, manipulation and combination of pulp was a central process here. In the second half of the workshop, the students used the knowledge they had acquired to work independently with various materials. At the end, there was the opportunity to exhibit the resulting works collectively in the Brühlsche Gallery of the Dresden University of Fine Arts.

© Images by Sven Claus