Transnational approach to the project is needed in order to gather together all practical and theoretical knowledge to be able to develop fine arts education. Students are key stakeholders in the development process of the European University Alliances and are involved in the working groups of the project. Students have various roles in the EU4ART Alliance, thus making student envolvement a key contribution to building the European Virtual University of Arts by 2025.
EU4ART Alliance offers a range of ways for promoting meaningful student engagement within the project to cooperate across languages, borders and disciplines for generating new thinking how to address societal challenges faced in Europe. The international Studentboard invites all students to take part and explore a range of topics related to the future of higher art education in Europe. Students are initiative takers in developing the European Universities and they benefit from the harmonisation of studies, from the means offered to improve their language competences. In addition, students acquire knowledge of the regional cultures and contribute to enriching the diversity of European culture.
For more information about opportunities to be part of the project, please contact your local EU4ART Alliances Offices.
International Student Board
The international student board is a open plattform for all students of the 4 universities to get to know each other, share ideas and thoughts and organise joint projects . We meet every two weeks via Zoom to discuss topics, projects and news of our universities. If you are a student of one of the universities you are more than welcome to join. For the link of the meeting please inquire at
More informations about our programm and the universities from a student point of view you can find here:
Steering Committee
Alliance Content Management
WP1 Management of the project
Ferenc JÓZSA
WP1 leader
WP2 Analysis of the structure of education - harmonization
WP2 leader
WP3 Methodological renewal of training courses
Christiane OERTEL
WP3 leader
WP4 Fine Arts and language
WP4 leader
WP5 Sustainability and Dissemination
Jānis Gailītis
WP5 leader