EU4ART An immersion in the Milk of Dreams
An immersion in the Milk of Dreams’ is the title of the workshop that is taking place in Venice from 19 to 24 September 2022. The pilot project of Eu4art envisages that the knowledge of and attendance at the major international exhibitions will become an integral part of the educational curriculum of art students. The […]
EU4ART Mentoring System: Creating and coordinating real connections
Online Symposium During the Symposium we held online on March 7th we presented to the audience the EU4ART Mentoring System, a network we had then just started to structure as part of the Long Term Mobility experience for the incoming students in our hosting institutions. The mentoring system is articulated as follows: there is a Mentor Coordinator, […]
Online Symposium “How to Show – How to Keep”
18/1/2022 – 20/01/2022 Documentation of Artistic Works and Exhibitions The symposium, organised by HfBK Dresden and its international partners in the EU4ART alliance, will deal with the documentation and archiving of exhibitions in the context of academic teaching and take place from 18/1/2022-20/1/2022. How can exhibitions be made accessible across geographical and temporal boundaries? What […]